Manual de Circuitos: Fáciles de Aprender - 1: Edicion (Spanish Edition) (9788428415660) by Gustavo Sáenz (Spanish Edition) (9788428415660)Q:
jquery conflict with my link
I have this code:
and this one
Account Info
when I click on the first link, my browser goes to, but I want it to go to an other site. How can I do that with jquery?
You can use jQuery preventDefault() to stop the default action of the href:
$(document).on('click', '#home', function(event) {
// Use your code to make the page go to
If you want to make sure it doesn't do any actions as well use:
$("#home").click(function(event) {
// your code
which will ensure it doesn't jump to and do what it normally does.
The low-intensity stress response: allostasis in an animal with an extended lifespan.
The ability of the ageing animal to maintain homeostasis across a continuum of environmental perturbations is inversely proportional to the duration of the stress response, and to the ultimate time-dependent age at which an age-related damage threshold is reached. An extreme example is the lifespan of the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber). Contrary to expectations from theoretical models of ageing, the long lifespan of this small, eusocial rodent is accompanied by the capacity to cope with a wide range of adverse conditions. Most conspicuous is its enhanced stress response to a single brief social defeat. NMRs remain in a highly anxious,'shaken' state for an average of 3-6 h, the longest of any mammal tested. This stress response is associated with increases in both plasma corticosterone and catecholamines, and a hyperplastic adrenocortical response is observed following a single social defeat. 01e38acffe
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